Nomadic Bouncs: intersections in art, technology, and traditional knowledge
August 22, 2019, 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Nomadic Bouncs: intersections in art, technology, and traditional knowledge
Toronto-based Jason Baerg is a Cree Métis artist and educator whose practice serves optimistic futurities. The work presented in this talk speaks to the creative exploration of how indigenous ways of Knowing have traveled time and space.
Jason Baerg is a registered member of the Métis Nation of Ontario and serves the Indigenous community as a curator, educator, and visual artist. Recent curatorial projects include exhibitions with Toronto's Nuit Blanche and the University of Toronto. Baerg graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelors of Fine Arts and a Masters of Fine Arts from Rutgers University. He currently is the Interim Chair of Indigenous Visual Cultures at OCAD University. Dedicated to community development, he founded and incorporated the Métis Artist Collective and has served as volunteer Chair for such organizations as the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective and the National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition. Creatively, as a visual artist, he pushes new boundaries in digital interventions in drawing, painting and new media installation. Notable artistic contributions are: an early commission with the Virtual Museum of Canada, a special project with the Digital Dome at the Institute of the American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico as well as an entry in the inaugural "The Wrong" New Digital Art Biennale initiated from São Paulo, Brasil. Jason Baerg has adjudicated numerous art juries and won awards through such facilitators as the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and The Toronto Arts Council.
To learn more about Aboriginal programs, initiatives, research, and services, visit the UBC Aboriginal portal or the First Nations House of Learning, and follow them on Twitter @UBCLonghouse.