Performing Punjabi and Punjabi Canadian Heritage: Critical Commemoration and Creative Practice
April 2, 2019, 3:00 pm to 3:00 pm

The Department of History & Sociology Presents
Dr. Anne Murphy, Asian Studies, UBC Vancouver
Performing Punjabi and Punjabi Canadian Heritage: Critical Commemoration and Creative Practice
This talk discusses interventions in critical heritage practice at intersection with the creative visual and performing arts in representing Punjabi and Punjabi Canadian pasts. Canadian projects include an exhibition, held from September to December 2017, entitled "Trauma, Memory, and the Story of Canada," meant to complicate the commemoration of the 150 anniversary of the Confederation of Canada in 2017 through the difficult stories that both brought people to Canada, and have been experienced within Canada as a settler, colonial nation; a visual arts/film/performance project in India and Pakistan, Creative Interruptions, explores the possibility of commonality across the India/Pakistan border. Creative Interruptions culminated in an exhibition in Preet Nagar, Punjab, India in February 2019, with subsequent exhibitions planned for London, UK (June 2019) and Abbotsford and Vancouver, BC, Canada (2020)