Past Events
Enrooting an Emerging Diasporic Identity: The Legacies of Hong Kong Immigrants in Canada’s Migration History Dr. Miu Chung Yan, School of Social Work, UBC
[ABSTRACT] Recent political developments have, without doubt, fostered an unusually strong sense of local identity among Hong Kongers. This is so even among many who have chosen to migrate elsewhere. In this talk, Dr. Miu Chung Yan will examine the history, uniqueness, and legacies of the…
Virtual Talk with Dr. Chinmay Tumbe: “Migration and Pandemics”
[Abstract] The migration crisis of 2020 unleashed by the lockdown to contain the Covid-19 crisis in India raised important questions about migration and health. This talk revolves around two books, one on migration and the other on pandemics, both written from a historical…
The Battle of Hong Kong in 1941: A Spatial History Project - Dr. KWONG Chi Man, Hong Kong Baptist University
[ABSTRACT] This talk introduces our spatial history project “Hong Kong 1941,” which uses geographic information systems (GIS) to build an interactive web map about the Battle of Hong Kong and a database of British military installations in Hong Kong during the Second World War…
Indigenous Bodies of Evidence and Counter-Mapping in the “Green” Nuclear Archive
Please join us for this public event with Dr. ann-elise lewallen, Associate Professor, University of Victoria, Pacific and Asian Studies on Indigenous bodies of evidence and counter-mapping in the “green” nuclear archive. Please register in advance, here. Zoom details will be…

UBC symposium Oceans as Archives. Panel Discussion on the Implications of the Bandanese Massacre and Commemoration Ceremony
Historical and Contemporary Implications of the Bandanese Massacre and Commemoration Ceremony Project Lead: Mikki Stelder, PhD Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology The year 2021 marks the 400 year anniversary of the Dutch conquest of…
Translating and Staging Hans Henny Jahnn's Pastor Ephraim Magnus (1919)
Project Leads: Matthew Tomkinson (Ph.D. Candidate, Theatre Studies) & Dr. Jason Lieblang (Associate Professor, CENES) Director: Moya O'Connell This translation is part of a larger project to reclaim the work of German Expressionist writer Hans Henny Jahnn by bringing it to an…
Falling Tower: A theatrical workshop session
With Yuning Liu (Playwright) and Tanya Mathivanan (Director) This workshop session featured the work-in-progress, Falling Tower, written by Ph.D. student in Theatre and Film, Yuning Liu. Liu’s work, at completion, will be a two-act play inspired by a few families' precious…
Creative Workshop Session: Son histoire, mon histoire
Creative Workshop session: ‘Son histoire, mon histoire’, a theatrical exploration of Acadian history George Belliveau, Chris Cook, Tetsuro Shigematsu, Graham W. Lea (Artists) This was the first creative workshop session in the "History, from Page to Stage" series, to explore…

Behind the Mythological Curtain: Reception of Greek Tragedy During the Communist Rule in Serbia
The place that the Greek heritage has had in the Serbian culture is somewhat different than the one we come across in the Western European traditions. From the first Serbian states in the early 9th century and the Medieval Serbian monarchies to the national awakening in the 18th century, and all…

POSTPONED: Between Loss and Recovery: Cross-Confessional Health Culture in Ottoman Bosnia
Between Loss and Recovery: Cross-Confessional Health Culture in Ottoman Bosnia This study focuses on medical pluralism in Ottoman Bosnia through its confessional differences, medical theories, and curative practices. Given that medical knowledge circulated inter-regionally, between Europe and…